NUR AINI, A learner from Bangkalan

Advances in technology must always be followed by developments so as not to be out of date. Anyone and any profession should adapt to advances in information technology, as well as a teacher. I am a teacher at an elementary school in the Burneh sub-district, Bangkalan, Madura, East Java, to be precise at UPTD SDN Burneh 01, which is a merger of two institutions, namely SDN Burneh 01 and SDN Burneh 02. These two schools are both favorite schools that always excel. in the academic and non-academic fields. In September 2022 the two schools were merged due to the rule that there cannot be two institutions on one page. Since 2015 I have been teaching at SDN Burneh 02, which initially (2005) received an SK. Appointment from the Ministry of Religion of Bangkalan district as a PAI teacher at SDN Binoh 01 which is located quite far, about 30 minutes away by motorbike from home. Before being appointed as a civil servant, I became an assistant teacher. In 2003, I was placed at SDN Binoh 1, who previously served as a volunteer worker at SDN Pangolangan 2, Burneh district, with an honorarium of Rp. 50,000, thank God for the blessings.

          Nur Aini is the name given by her parents, Mr. H. Nasidin (late) and Mrs. Naimah (late). A name that is quite short but has a deep hope to be able to provide light for herself and her environment. Hopefully the parents' hopes for their youngest daughter can be realized in the real world and in cyberspace that can become charity for both of them, amiin.

NurAini-LINK is a channel name on YouTube that has content about education, religion and culture. NurAini-LINK’s goal is to be present in cyberspace to provide benefits for oneself and others. NurAini-LINK is over a year old, still a toddler. This channel has 708 subscribers with 361 videos consisting of video shorts, videos with a duration of 3-15 minutes, live streaming videos of KSJM activities at Iro-Society, and one Podcast video. And now they are present on the website with the address with the hope of being able to develop themselves and empower the environment.

          In cyberspace I interact a lot with friends from the Iro-Society community driven by Prof. Imam Robandi as the founding father. This community has inspired many of its members to always work and create. Many good writings born from this community have even become books that have the author's name engraved in gold ink. "The flag must always be flying even without a pole" is the sentence that is always pinned by Prof. Imam Robandi has produced great works from his students. "Speed ​​beats perfection" prof. The priest has been messing with his students who are lazing in their comfort zone to rise up to compare themselves

The existence of the website is the answer. Keep the spirit to work to sow benefits.

Welcome to ! Thursday, June 1, 2023

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